Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Finally Has Its Story Mode - Videogames Blogs

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Finally Has Its Story Mode

Despite being promised before launch, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid launched without a dedicated story mode. However, the crossover fighting game is still getting a story mode. In fact, it will be getting one quite soon, as a free update will be launching on April 30, 2019 introducing the long-awaited campaign. In addition, the update also introduces a round of new fighters to play as.
Check out a teaser for the story mode right here:

Though the details of the story is still a mystery, it does have the potential to get longtime Power Rangers fans on-board. It?s written by Kyle Higgins, best known for his work on the Mighty Morphin? Power Rangers comic series. The story will be heavily inspired by Higgins? ?Shattered Grid? storyline from the comics, which centers around Lord Drakkon (an alternate version of Tommy Oliver who goes rogue). The story will span all different generations of Power Rangers and will even include characters who aren?t currently playable in the game. While Higgins? inclusion is exciting enough, the story also features many actors from the series reprising their roles from the series. Expect to hear familiar voices like Jason David Frank and Austin St. John while you fight this cross-dimensional threat.


A trio of new fighters will also be entering the ring as part of this update. The first new fighter is Cenozoic Blue Range...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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