Predator Hunting Grounds Review – Get to da Choppa! (PS4)

The 4v1 genre of multiplayer games is tough to get just right, but it hasn?t stopped developers from trying again and again with mixed results. From the original IP Evolve to adaptations of well-known franchises like Friday the 13th and its cadre of horror villains, as well as Resident Evil Resistance, developers have been toying with the idea of one player being uniquely overpowered against a team of people trying to take them down or just escape. In fact, that?s the direction most of these games have turned to. Resident Evil Resistance, for example, is simply about the group of survivors escaping, rather than specifically about eliminating the villain.
Predator Hunting Grounds is the latest title to tackle 4v1, this time using the fearsome Predator as the powerful single character against a fireteam of four soldiers. Soldiers enter one of a few variations on generic-looking jungle maps with a specific set of goals, most all of which amount to going to a location and holding down square to do a thing. It might be taking out a drug smuggling operation are another of a generic and forgettable set of objectives that contextually don?t do much to change the gameplay. You?ll get to a small encampment, take out AI enemy soldiers and hold square to do whatever the game is asking you to do. Then it?s off to the next one, and then a short wait at an extraction point to win. In fact, the fireteam missions technically have nothing to do with the Predator at all.
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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