Preorders Open for SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Classics Collection - Videogames Blogs

Preorders Open for SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Classics Collection

SEGA US and Europe have both opened preorders for the upcoming Genesis/Mega Drive Classics collection. Players can grab over 50 retro favorites in one package with a 10 percent discount when ordering via the PlayStation Store.
Those who are interested in buying the disc can preorder at participating retailers and get physical goodies including a double-sided Golden Axe and Streets of Rage poster.
The collection includes retro classics from across a variety of genres including platformers, RPGs, beat-em-ups, puzzle games, shoot-em-ups, and more. The games will also come with some “modern features.”
In case you missed the previous announcement, here are the games you’ll get:

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Soldier
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Beyond Oasis
Bio-Hazard Battle
Bonanza Bros. Columns
Columns III: Revenge of Columns
Comix Zone
Crack Down
Decap Attack
Dr. Robotnik?s Mean Bean Machine
Dynamite Headdy
ESWAT: City Under Siege
Fatal Labyrinth
Gain Ground
Galaxy Force II
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Gunstar Heroes
Kid Chameleon
Light Crusader
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Space Harrier II
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3

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