President Trump to Meet Video Game Industry Executives, White House Says Invites Going Out Soon - Videogames Blogs

President Trump to Meet Video Game Industry Executives, White House Says Invites Going Out Soon

In wake of the recent Florida school shooting and ensuing debates on violence and safety, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that President Donald Trump will be meeting video game industry executives as soon as next week “to see what they can do on that front.” This development follows recent remarks by President Trump about violence in video games and its impact on young people’s minds.
“This is going to be an ongoing process,” said Sanders during the White House press briefing. “It?s something we don?t expect to happen overnight, but something we?re going to continue to be engaged in and continue to look for the best ways possible to make sure we?re doing everything we can to protect schools across the country.” Following the White House press briefing, the ESA released a statement saying that they were not aware of any such meeting and haven’t received an invitation. A White House official has now told NBC’s Peter Alexander that invites to video game companies will be going out in coming days.

UPDATE: WH official tells me invites to video game companies will be going out in the coming days.

So, to be clear:

-WH announces a mtg w video game execs next week

-Video game execs say it’s the first they’re hearing of it

-Now, WH says it’s sending out invites
? Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) March 2, 2018

We’ll continue to follow this story a...

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