PS5 Concept Design is the Best (Fan-Made) Look Yet at Sony’s New Console - Videogames Blogs

PS5 Concept Design is the Best (Fan-Made) Look Yet at Sony’s New Console

The PS5, as of writing, is nothing but unbridled fiction. But what if we could have a sneak-peek at the future" That was the thought of concept artist Joseph Dumary, who has revealed a look at what he thinks Sony’s new console could look like and, honestly" We’re absolutely down with it. Collecting together some of the finest design philosophies from each generation of Sony console, plus some new tech, this is one fake that we absolutely hope comes to fruition.
The PS5 trailer, which you can see above, shows off the concept console’s sleek design, alongside some features that would be bound to get tongues wagging: Air HDMI, no disc slot, and a controller design harkening back to the PS3’s controversial boomerang design. While some theoretical features are more from the realms of sci-fi (8K ready and real-time translation" Dream on.), it’s credit to the exceptional professional work Dumary has pulled off that this, arguably, is the best look we’ll get at the PS5 for quite some time, even if it lacks the alleged VR additions included in the real PS5 dev kit.
Will Sony get wind of it and implement some of the Frenchman’s work on their new console" Who’s to say, but I’m officially in love with this bit of kit and how it sensibly weaves in technology that gaming is still playing catch-up with, such as the likes of fingerprint technology. Still, the emphasis on digital-only software is a little worry...

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