PS5 Preview Highlights: Streamers Praise Cooling System, Sony Announces Universal Button Logic - Videogames Blogs

PS5 Preview Highlights: Streamers Praise Cooling System, Sony Announces Universal Button Logic

Earlier today, Japanese streamers went hands-on with the PlayStation 5 and showcased a number of games including Astro?s Playroom and Godfall. You can watch a recap of the livestreams to see all the gameplay via the same link, but we?d like to separately share some good news from 4Gamer and Dengeki: the PS5 is quiet as hell.
According to a summary of the articles by ResetEra user artsip, the 4Gamer team said that they played Godfall in a room with a temperature of around 30º C/86º F due to studio lights, but barely heard the PS5?s fan. They noticed that the air emanating from the console was warm, but not hot. 4Gamer could not locate a heat sink on the console, and suspect that the top side houses a huge 200-240 mm fan.

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