PS5 Will Allow Devs to Use ‘Incredible’ Texel Density for Highly Detailed Visuals, Says Town of Light Studio - Videogames Blogs

PS5 Will Allow Devs to Use ‘Incredible’ Texel Density for Highly Detailed Visuals, Says Town of Light Studio

The developer behind psychological horror games The Town of Light and Martha Is Dead, LKA, has expressed its excitement about utilizing the PlayStation 5?s specifications and features to develop games. Speaking to the Official PlayStation Magazine (via PlayStation Universe), studio head Luca Dalco specifically mentioned texel density, which allows developers to create detailed textures.
In layman?s terms, texel density is the amount of texture resolution on a mesh in the 3D world. The higher the density, the more crisp the visuals. According to Dalco, the PS5 will allow texel density up to 4096px/m. He said:

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