PSA: Fortnite’s Fortnitemares Is Live Today Alongside Update 1.8 - Videogames Blogs

PSA: Fortnite’s Fortnitemares Is Live Today Alongside Update 1.8

Today marks the end of the Horde Bash and the beginning of Fortnite’s Fortnitemares event along with Fortnite update 1.8. The new event brings a brand new zone called Hexsylvania, along with a cadre of new characters, new story quests, enemies to fight, and weapons to earn. The full (and very, very lengthy) Fortnite update 1.8 patch notes are available at this link.
What will Hexsylvania bring"
In addition to a spooky lobby background you?ll find:

~25 Story Quests
Spooky Creatures

Pumpkin Head Husk
Vampire Taker

Spooky Llama

Buy it with candy!

Eight new themed Heroes all getting into the Hexsylvanian spirit!

Each Class/Gender

New Weapons

Pumpkin Launcher (How else will you defeat the Pumpkin Head Husks"") Grave Digger

Mark your calendars because the Fortnightmares will begin haunting your sleep starting on Thursday, Oct 26. And fear not, all existing currency from our Horde Bash event will be converted up to 1,000 scavenger tickets!

It’s impressive that Epic Games has managed to add so much in the way of new content and events to a game that’s technically still in early access. Our impressions of the game call out a positive look at a game that can constantly update and change for the better:
While there are a few rough edges that make it clear why Fortnite isn?t officially releasing until next year, I?ve had a really great time with the inventive shooter so far. I?m rarely someone that gets into a loot grind, but Epic d...

Surviving the Aftermath Teaser Trailer
