PSA: Get Destiny 2 Free Now With PlayStation Plus

If you missed the news, the PlayStation Plus free games for September 2018 have been announced, and they include one particularly notable addition. Leading the charge for the September Instant Game Collection is Destiny 2, but players won’t have to wait until next week to try it out. Destiny 2 is free right now for all PlayStation Plus subscribers.
Players get access to the Destiny 2 base game, which includes all current and future seasonal updates. Sandbox changes and everything in the Crucible (PvP) is made available to everyone who owns Destiny 2 regardless of DLC and expansion ownership, so there’s plenty to jump into and enjoy right now and in the future. Everyone will also get to participate in the Gambit free trial that’s going on for 24 hours on Saturday, September 1, 2018. Gambit is the PvP/PvE hybrid mode that is coming with Forsaken on September 4th, and while it will be included in the paid content at that time, Saturday will afford everyone a chance to try out the mode that we called a “game changer.” This free download does not include the Curse of Osiris and Warmind content that came out during Destiny 2’s first year. Because each of these expansions are required to play Forsaken, you won’t be able to buy just the Forsaken expansion if you want to upgrade when it releases. You’ll have to grab the Destiny 2 Forsaken Legendary Collection, the complete bundle that includes all previous DLC, up to and including For...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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