PSLS Help Desk – How to Set Custom PS4 Wallpaper From a USB Drive - Videogames Blogs

PSLS Help Desk – How to Set Custom PS4 Wallpaper From a USB Drive

Chandler so very kindly wrote up a lovely Help Desk how-to on setting a custom PS4 wallpaper from USB with firmware 4.50. Now that we are in firmware 5.50, things are a little different.
First of all, GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! You no longer have to use ShareFactory to upload your custom wallpaper to your PS4. The process is now as simple as one would think it should be. Correction: it is now as simple as it always should have been. You can still visit a website via your PS4, save an image to your Capture Gallery, and set it as a background from there. You can also still set any screenshots you’ve saved as a background the same way.
Without further ado, here’s how to easily set a custom image as a wallpaper from USB.
How to Set a Custom Image as PS4 Wallpaper from USB
Download any image (or even a full PS4 theme!) online to your USB drive.
Remove the drive from your PC, and plug it in to your PS4.
From the main dashboard, visit Settings > Themes > Select Theme > Custom > Select Image > USB Storage Device.
Select your custom image for your wallpaper.
Voilá! You have a new beautiful dashboard!

Please note that if you already have a theme running, installing just a new wallpaper will abort the theme completely to go back to default for music, tones, fonts, icons, etc. Mayhaps one day we’ll be able to pick and choose pieces of of themes to utilize, but today is not that day. Personally, I’d rather they find a way to allow users to change the...

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