PSVR MOBA Dark Eclipse Now Available for Free - Videogames Blogs

PSVR MOBA Dark Eclipse Now Available for Free

Dark Eclipse, the first ever MOBA for PSVR, is now available on the PlayStation Store. The free-to-play game is looking to change the VR gaming scene, and make it a viable platform for competitive play. It can be played with either the DualShock 4 or PlayStation Move controllers, and focuses on one-on-one matches.
In Dark Eclipse, players pick three leaders to form a team in an attempt to take over the opposing team’s bases. In true MOBA fashion, each leader has their own unique skills and abilities. You can purchase leaders either with in-game currency or through the PlayStation Store. The PS Store will house unique starter packs that also include cosmetic items. Dark Eclipse launches with 15 leaders, and more are on their way via updates.
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