PSX 2016 – The Church in the Darkness Preview – A Mystery to Solve (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

PSX 2016 – The Church in the Darkness Preview – A Mystery to Solve (PS4)

Nestled away near the corner of Sony?s annual PlayStation Experience sat Paranoid Productions? booth. They showcased their upcoming ?action-infiltration? game, The Church in the Darkness. We went hands-on with the game while at PSX 16, and have our preview of this intriguing game below.
Inspired by Reality
In The Church in the Darkness, you play as Vic, a retired law enforcement officer. Your sister?s son has become tied up in a cult which has moved all its inhabitants to the jungles of South Africa, where they are attempting to create a socialist utopia. If this sounds like the story of Jonestown, well, you wouldn?t be that far off. Then again, perhaps everything is just fine, as your nephew claims in the postcard he sent his mother. Either way, it’s your job to find out what’s really going on. The Church in the Darkness is played from a top-down perspective, zoomed out quite a bit so that you can really take in your surroundings. While you can pick up weapons such as rifles and pistols, it is probably in your best interests to not use them unless absolutely necessary, because the community is rather militant.
The fun and challenge will really kick in with multiple playthroughs of the game. Each session should take approximately two hours or so. Each time, however, the church may or may not be sinister after all. It?ll be up to you to determine whether or not you should extract your nephew from the community. The layout of the camp and beliefs of the residents...

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