Putting Cyberpunk 2077 Back on the PlayStation Store is a Sony Decision, Says CD Projekt RED - Videogames Blogs

Putting Cyberpunk 2077 Back on the PlayStation Store is a Sony Decision, Says CD Projekt RED

When Cyberpunk 2077 was first pulled from the PlayStation Store more than 100 days ago, there was some question as to whether that was a decision made by Sony, or if developer CD Projekt RED had a hand in its removal. A recent investor call with CDPR seems to put the full weight on Sony, saying that the final decision for Cyberpunk 2077 returning to the PlayStation Store rests in Sony’s hands.
When asked about the game returning to the PlayStation Store, SVP of business development Micha? Nowakowski said “We have published several patches. We have just published a really big one yesterday and we have published several hotfixes. Each and every one of them brings us closer to going back to the PSN store. However, the final decision, you have to understand, belongs to Sony. We do believe we’re closer than further, but of course, the final call is theirs, so let’s wait and see. After Cyberpunk 2077 was first removed from the PlayStation Store, wording from CD Projekt RED seemed to dance around the issue, trying to make it seem like an decision that they came to with Sony. After all, it would be a bad look for a platform to entirely remove one of the most anticipated  and high-profile games ever because of something CD Projekt RED, a public company, did wrong.
Broad assumptions indicated that Sony had made the unilateral decision to pull it after being upset with how the developer mishandled refunds amid the botched launch and outcry from disappointed ...
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