Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Grim Sky Release Date Announced, New Fixes and Balance Changes Listed

Ubisoft has announced that Rainbow Six Siege‘s Operation Grim Sky will go live on Tuesday, September 4. The year three content will also bring with it some gameplay tweaks, balance changes, and fixes listed below.
Decreased Blowtorch damage to Barbed Wire
Replace Smoke Grenades with Stun Grenades
Slighting increase the volume of the Blowtorch
Reduce the number of pellets required to destroy a hatch from 6 to 4.
Reduce the number of Concussion Grenades for the KS79 Lifeline from 4 to 3.
OTs-03 is no longer able to destroy Castle?s Armored Panels.
Fixed ? Weapons muzzle smoke is too thick and obscure the screen.
Fixed ? The operator model will remain in the game if the user leaves the session while using the observation tool. Fixed ? Constant rattle SFX is played if the defuser is dropped on an uneven surface.
Fixed ? Red Dot scopes have thickened textures on the lens, causing the user’s view to be partially obscured while in ADS.
Fixed ? Player can shoot Montagne feet under the shield when fully extended.
Fixed ? Shield Operators’ head exceed their shields when in crouch position when still.
Fixed ? Shotguns have no recoil when shot rapidly.
Fixed ? Smoke VFX is too thick when having the suppressor attached on some weapons.
Fixed ? Clash’s shield effect are clipping through barricades when Taser Shield is active).
Fixed ? Gadget are able to go through Clash’...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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