Ray’s the Dead Review – Bug-Filled Corpse (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Ray’s the Dead Review – Bug-Filled Corpse (PS4)

Announced more than seven years ago?before the PlayStation 4 was even out?Ray?s the Dead is a Pikmin-like game that sees the recently deceased and freshly reanimated Ray controlling a horde of zombies in an attempt to stop an evil and nefarious plot and figure out the mysteries of his own death and rebirth as a member of the undead. Set to a funky ?80s vibe and filled to the brim with ?80s pop culture references, both overt and subtle, Ray?s the Dead features a great hand-drawn 2D aesthetic on a 3D world?a visually unique experience. Though more than seven years after its announcement and four years after we last previewed it at PSX 2016, Ray?s the Dead might have been rotting in its grave a little too long.
Ray?s the Dead Review ? The Worms Crawl In? Ray is a charismatic zombie with a special ability: he can get other zombies to follow him and perform tasks. Throughout the game, Ray recruits four types of zombies with various abilities: Basic zombies can attack in hordes and dig into tunnels. Dogs can restrain and stun other zombies and sniff out secrets. Large zombies do an AOE slam attack and can traverse through water, as well as slamming into objects. And Ninjas can stun large zombies and dole out big damage, though they have lower health. Various puzzles use the different zombies to varying effect, and encounters act as a bit of a rock, paper, scissors as you navigate which zombie type is strong against the enemies you are facing.

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