Read the Final Fantasy XV Update 1.21 Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Read the Final Fantasy XV Update 1.21 Patch Notes

After being delayed, Final Fantasy XV update 1.21 is finally available to download. It adds in Aranea as a training parter at camp, adds new items to Alessio’s trading post, and ends the in-game Assassin’s Festival. There’s plenty of new content to digest!
Check out the full Final Fantasy XV update 1.21 patch notes:

Version 1.21

Conclusion of the Assassin’s Festival
Inclusion of Aranea as a training partner at camp
Implementation of a standby option at camp to advance the time of day (“Wait until morning” or “Wait until nightfall”)
Addition of new items at Alessio’s trading post in Altissia
Introduction of new drills to the tutorial: Practice Tutorial
Fixed the hairstyle for the Episode Ignis crossover outfit “Arts” category for Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto (applies to Character Swap)
Various bug fixes

Alessio’s New Items

Silver Ore: 2 Oracle Ascension Coins
Gold Ore: 2 Oracle Ascension Coins
Prismatic Shard: 2 Oracle Ascension Coins
Prismatic Ore: 3 Oracle Ascension Coins
Mystic Circlet: 60 Oracle Ascension Coins
Purified Salt: 60 Oracle Ascension Coins

For more on the popular role-playing game, check out our Final Fantasy XV review. Here?s what reviewer Keri Honea had to say about the title:
The best parts of Final Fantasy XV are not unfolding the epic story, completing side quests, or your first summon (although that is pretty damn cool), but the bonding of these four friends as they try ...

