Read the Fortnite Update 1.52 Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Read the Fortnite Update 1.52 Patch Notes

Fortnite update 1.52 is now available to download. The latest update to Epic Games’ popular free-to-play shooter includes multiple crash fixes, and a new pump shotgun animation delay. Additionally, it fixed an issue where distance wasn’t being shown for sniper rifle eliminations.
Check out the Fortnite update 1.52 patch notes below:

Multiple Crash Fixes
Pump Shotgun Animation Delay
Distance not being shown for Sniper Rifle eliminations

While there’s not a ton new in today’s update, yesterday’s was much more substantial. You can view those patch notes below:

Guided Missile (Battle Royale)

Take down forts with a more personal touch.
Sniper Shootout v2 (Battle Royale)

Play ?Peek-a-boo? in Sniper Shootout v2. Hunting Rifle and Crossbow added, Magnum removed. ‘The Three Husketeers’ Questline (Save the World)

Spring It On! comes to a close with an egg-streme Mini-Boss battle.
Rabbit Raider Jonesy / Miss Bunny Penny (Save the World)

These Heroes never have a bad hare day!

Next Phase of Crossplay Improvements on Console

You can now add, remove, and manage Epic Friends from the main menu.
You can now send, receive, and respond to crossplay Party Invites.
Party Finder now includes Epic Friends on other platforms.

Enabled toggling of full screen mode with Alt + Enter on PC, and Option + Enter on Mac.
Increased the brightness and visibility of ammo boxes.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a rare bug where players could be launched up i...

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