Read the Monster Hunter: World Update 2.00 Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Read the Monster Hunter: World Update 2.00 Patch Notes

Monster Hunter: World update 2.00 is now available to download and it brings some huge changes. Not only are there new special assignments, but there’s a new monster (watch the trailer!), features, and a ton more. The full patch notes detail everything you need to know!
Check out the full Monster Hunter: World update 2.00 patch notes:

Added special assignment: “The Food Chain Dominator”.

Added a new monster: Deviljho! (Includes new Deviljho weapons, and the Vangis ? and ? armor sets.)
Added a new specialized tool: Dragonproof Mantle.

Note: Deviljho will invade 6? quests, 7? quests, and high rank expeditions once you have completed the investigation for the “""" Rathian” in the main story. After completing certain conditions, you will unlock the Deviljho special assignment.
Due to its enhanced metabolism, Deviljho must constantly seek out prey.

It is extremely violent, and known to flail large monsters around.

Major Gameplay Feature Additions and Changes

Optimized data processing to reduce loading times.
Added the feature “Kick from Online Session” to the player list.
Added “Return to Gathering Hub” (single player) and “Disband & Return to Gathering Hub” (multiplayer) to the options for “Select Return Destination” after a quest.
Added the “Text Size” setting for changing subtitle text size, under Start Menu > Options Game Settings.
In the “Onli...

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