Report: Cyberpunk 2077 to Have a Gameplay Demo at E3 - Videogames Blogs

Report: Cyberpunk 2077 to Have a Gameplay Demo at E3

GRY Online, a Polish gaming site, claims two sources have revealed to them that CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 will have a gameplay demo at E3 2018. The report doesn’t come as too much of a surprise after the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter sprang back to life last week with a mysterious tweet and was suddenly a verified account.
The reports indicate that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a trailer at either Sony or Microsoft’s press conference, with a behind-closed-doors gameplay demonstration to happen for press during the show. If these closed door sessions are like most at E3, the writers won’t be getting hands-on Cyberpunk 2077 themselves. Instead a developer will be walking them through some gameplay scenarios, with those same commentated scenarios to release online sometime after E3. A YouTuber by the name of LegacyKillaHD also alleges that Sony received a tech demo from of Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt RED last year, claiming that the evidence his source has provided him leads him to believe this is the truth. It remains to be seen if this means that CD Projekt RED will be working with Sony for the reveal, but past games (The Witcher 3, Gwent: The Witcher Card Game) have been showcased on the Microsoft stage, so switching to Sony’s press conference for the big Cyberpunk 2077 reveal would be quite a surprising move.
What else is unclear is if E3 2018 will be the first big showing for Cyberpunk 2077, or if there will be teases and reveals leadi...

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