Report: Fallout 76 Not a Traditional Single-Player RPG, Will Be An Online Survival Game - Videogames Blogs

Report: Fallout 76 Not a Traditional Single-Player RPG, Will Be An Online Survival Game

Aside from a brief trailer setting the stage for today’s Fallout 76 announcement, very little is actually known about the game. The vibe of the world seems sufficiently Fallout in nature, but new reports suggest Fallout 76 won’t be the traditional single-player RPG we’re thinking it will be.
According to Kotaku’s Jason Schreier–who has a track record for being right about a lot of unannounced information–Fallout 76 will be an online game of some sort, and not that traditional Fallout experience we’ve come to know. Along with today’s announcement, Schreier has tweeted multiple times adamantly that those “expecting Fallout 76 to be a new traditional single-player RPG will be VERY disappointed.” It’s a bold claim to make, but Schreier is a seasoned enough games journalist with a clear history of knowing his stuff, so we’re including to think there’s some truth to his statements.
I’m seeing some skepticism on Reddit and Twitch about my reporting that Fallout: 76 is an online game — because they don’t want to believe it — but again, if you spend weeks getting hyped for a single-player RPG, you will be disappointed. Just looking out for you guys!
? Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) May 30, 2018

Note that in his original tweet, Schreier simply says “From what I’ve heard, Fallout 76 is an online game of some sort.” The game is apparently being “Developed b...

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