Report: PlayStation 5 Will Have a ‘Lavish’ Cooling System, Better Than the PS4 - Videogames Blogs

Report: PlayStation 5 Will Have a ‘Lavish’ Cooling System, Better Than the PS4

Earlier today, reports surfaced of Sony?s difficulties with locking down a PS5 price. While Sony was quoted earlier this month as waiting to see what price Microsoft will land on for the Xbox Series X, additional details suggest that scarce and expensive parts are also part of the issue. One of those parts is a pricey cooling system. Most companies spend less than a dollar, but the Bloomberg Tech report indicates that Sony opted for a more ?lavish? PS5 cooling system, costing a few dollars each.
Many of gaming consoles? biggest issues can be traced back to cooling problems with the powerful components inside. Both the Xbox 360?s infamous ?Red Ring of Death? and PS3?s ?Yellow Light of Death? (RROD and YLOD, respectively) could be attributed to overheating and issues with the heatsink compound on the internal components. This generation hasn?t had nearly as many of those devastating console crashes, but PS4 owners are all too familiar with their console sounding like a jet engine when it gets overworked. The PlayStation 4?s relatively basic fan cooling system goes into overdrive as the console heats up, often when overworked by games that require a lot from the system. This happens to varying degrees with all models of the PS4, but is particularly noticeable for those who are still running launch systems.
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