Resident Evil 7 ESRB Rating Talks Ethan, Weapons, Violence - Videogames Blogs

Resident Evil 7 ESRB Rating Talks Ethan, Weapons, Violence

The ESRB posted (and then took down) their Resident Evil 7 rating today, revealing that it’s rated Mature for blood and gore, intense violence, and strong language. In the ratings summary (SPOILER WARNING), they talk about the protagonist, the weapons you’ll use to kill “mutant creatures,” and more:

This is a survival-horror game in which players assume the role of Ethan, a man searching for his missing wife in a derelict mansion. From a first-person perspective, players explore the environment and use pistols, shotguns, flamethrowers, explosives and chainsaws to kill mutant creatures. Combat is accompanied by realistic gunfire, screams of pain, and exaggerated blood-splatter effects. As players progress through the story, cutscenes can depict instances of gore and intense acts of violence: a character’s arm dismembered by a chainsaw; a man’s leg taken off at the knee with a shovel; a character impaled through the face with a shovel. Some areas also depict mutilated corpses with exposed organs/viscera. The words ?f**k? and ?sh*t? are heard in the dialogue.
If the name Ethan sounds familiar, it’s because it was mentioned in the recent gamescom trailer.
Resident Evil 7 releases on January 24, 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Other recent ratings by the ESRB include PlayStation VR Worlds (Mature) and Mafia III (also Mature). Here’s why Mafia III is rated Mature:

This is an open-world action game in which players assu...

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