Rocket League Anniversary Brings Back Classic Arena for Limited-Time Only - Videogames Blogs

Rocket League Anniversary Brings Back Classic Arena for Limited-Time Only

Rocket League is about to celebrate its third birthday and, with it, comes a big ol’ celebration. Because not only is Psyonix’s current soccer/driving hybrid making in-roads on its anniversary, there’s the small matter of its predecessor SARPBC (Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, to give it its full, unwieldy title) turning ten, which it plans to mark with a cool little bonus for long-time fans. But, wowsers. Where has the time gone"
The Rocket League anniversary event kicks off on July 9 and the headline news is that the developers are bringing a Throwback Stadium into the game, riffing on SARPBC’s style of stadia. The goals are further in-field and the ball is also a little lighter in the 3v3 anniversary playlist, should you want to mix up your Rocket League and harken back to the good old days of SARPBC for a little bit this month. Elsewhere, players will be able to earn balloons to cash in on new and expired items simply by playing matches and cashing them in. Once you’ve earned enough to get a Golden Egg, you’ll be able to crack it open and earn yourself one of 60 (tradeable) items.
Be quick, though. The Rocket League anniversary only runs from two weeks, July 9 to July 23. So, if you want that nostalgic itch to be scratched, or a few new items to fill out your virtual garage then be sure to hop onto Rocket League sooner rather than later.
[Source: Rocket League Official Site]


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