Rocket League Update 1.20 Fixes Some Issues, But Neo Tokyo Problems Still Remain - Videogames Blogs

Rocket League Update 1.20 Fixes Some Issues, But Neo Tokyo Problems Still Remain

Released yesterday for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Rocket League update 1.20 was designed to address the issues introduced with Neo Tokyo but, as developer Psyonix revealed, some are still lingering:

It has come to our attention that a handful of issues previously thought to have been fixed in this patch were not, those of which we have marked with a strike-through below. We are currently working on another hot fix to address those remaining issues. Our apologies for the confusion.

Reportedly a 175MB download on PS4 (PC is 125MB, Xbox One is 850MB), here’s the full list of patch notes for the recent Rocket League update:

Bug Fixes

Fixed several issues that caused errors when trying to use the Trade In system. Fixed several Neo Tokyo collision issues that were causing abnormal bounces within the Arena.
Fixed a crash that occurred when viewing ?Underpass? replays.
Fixed several Spanish and German translation issues

Fixed several audio issues occurring since the last update:

Countdown Audio is no longer part of the ?Ambient? volume slider
Audio should no longer cut out in the Utopia Coliseum arena
Fixed issues with Hearts Boost audio staying on indefinitely
Fixed issues with sound mix causing some effects to be too loud or ?bassy?

The physical version of Rocket League was recently released in Europe, and is coming to North America on July 5.
[Source: Rocket League, Reddit]


This Week on Xbox: June 30, 2017
