Rumor: Is This the Mortal Kombat 11 Roster" - Videogames Blogs

Rumor: Is This the Mortal Kombat 11 Roster"

All good things must leak, apparently, and so the Mortal Kombat 11 roster may be out in the wild well before it?s even out. As with any leak, it?s hard to tell if this rumor is legit or not right now. It looks convincing, at the very least. We probably won?t get any official confirmation for a while now, but either way, it may be best to look away if you don?t wan?t things spoiled.
Alright, here?s your last chance, as this is the reported Mortal Kombat 11 roster:

It includes all of the characters we had previously seen in Mortal Kombat 11. There are Raiden and Scorpion, who were part of the initial announcement. Then, there were the characters announced at the MK11 reveal event, which included the first-time fighter Geras. We?ve got Kano, Kabal, D?Vorah, Jade, and Johnny, who have all be revealed since, so so far it checks out. Interestingly, both Jax and Johnny are grayed-out in this picture, represented only by ?JOH? and ?JAX.? Outside of that is when things get interesting, however. Here are some of the currently-unannounced fighters supposedly included in this lineup:

Cassie Cage
Cetrion (new character)
Erron Black
Kollector (new character)
Kotal Kahn
Kung Lao
Liu Kang

Some of these characters have been rumored before, so seeing them included in this leak gives it a little bit more credibility. However, there are some placeholders that could hint at other characters, as well. While ?JOH? and ?JAX? are fairly obvious, ?NOO,? ?KIT,? and ?SHA? may...

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