Scarlet Nexus Trophy List Suggests Multiple Playthroughs and Lots of Gifts - Videogames Blogs

Scarlet Nexus Trophy List Suggests Multiple Playthroughs and Lots of Gifts

Scarlet Nexus is due to be released on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 25. The game’s PS5 trophy list has just arrived on Exophase, giving players just over two weeks to plan ahead for obtaining that coveted Platinum trophy. At the very least, they will need to complete two playthroughs, and give lots of gifts to their allies.
The game is set in an alternate universe with a far more futuristic theme than ours. The year is 2020 and a new hormone has just been discovered in the human brain, granting humans extra sensory abilities. The downside is it is also extremely attractive to mutant organisms known as Others, and they’ll eat people to sate their hunger for this hormone. The Other Suppression Force is formed to take down the Others and the game follows two of those recruits, Yuito and Kasane. Both recruits will have their own storyline and players will need to do separate playthroughs with each character to earn the coveted Platinum trophy. There are 53 trophies in total, featuring a mix of story progression, using different skills, making plenty of friends, giving gifts to allies, and a couple of different collectibles. There’s also hints of future DLC seeing as many of the trophies have a note to say they don’t include add-ons. The list does include some spoilers so read on at your own risk.
Scarlet Nexus Trophy List
Scarlet Nexus Platinum Trophy

Woven Red Threads – Obtained all trophies.

Scarlet Nexus Gold Trophies

Tightly Wound...

Maquette - Gameplay Walkthrough Trailer | PS4
