See How Different Just Cause 4 Can Look on a PS4 Pro - Videogames Blogs

See How Different Just Cause 4 Can Look on a PS4 Pro

To fuel the Just Cause 4 excitement, Square Enix has teamed with IGN First to unleash 18 minutes of footage, showing off the differences between gameplay on the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. Both versions look stunning, as the power of both of these consoles take Just Cause 4’s chaos to new heights.
See the madness Rico Rodriquez gets up to the in the lengthy gameplay video below:

Throughout its duration, the video switches back and forth between footage from the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X versions of Just Cause 4. It all looks great. Colors pop, and the gameplay seems smooth and seamless, as Rico jumps between firing off shots from the ground to soaring in the air via wing-suit.
Based on appearances alone, the Just Cause thrill ride highlights Rico’s new tricks. Developer Avalanche Studios recently revealed how Rico’s upgraded grapple will drastically change the gameplay experience for Just Cause 4. Now, we get to see it in action. New customization options will allow Rico to attach air lifters, tethers, and more to his grapple. In the video above, the upgrades seemingly aid him with lifting massive oil tanks into the air and hurtling airplanes towards incoming tornadoes. Again, this kind of chaos is on-brand for the series. It’s only tangentially touched on in the gameplay footage, but story will play a key part in the new entry, as well. Rico is on the hunt for answers about his past, but must also help the South American country of...

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