Should Ni no Kuni II Have Kept the First Game’s Familiars and Been More Like Pokemon" - Videogames Blogs

Should Ni no Kuni II Have Kept the First Game’s Familiars and Been More Like Pokemon"

First off, I want to say that I absolutely adored Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. It was magical, delightful, the most feel-good game I played in 2018, and so on. My feelings are absolutely in line with our review, however I did find myself missing one aspect from Ni no Kuni II. That?s the familiar mechanic found in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. In a game that stood out for many reasons, it had an equally unique combat system. The combat of Ni no Kuni II, felt much more standard, if more efficient, than its predecessor. Would Ni no Kuni II have benefited from retaining the combat system from before"
True, Ni no Kuni II added a ton of new systems, from the kingdom building to the skirmish battles. Maybe adding the familiars would have been one step too far. But in a game that was often called ?too easy,? it could have been just the thing to add another layer of strategy.
Throughout the world of Ni no Kuni, you could tame some of the monsters you fight in combat, a la Pokemon. I would?ve loved to see Level-5 refine the mechanic a little bit more for Ni no Kuni II, rather than dropping it altogether.

It?s no secret that Pokemon is one of the most popular and financially successful entertainment franchises out there, gaming or otherwise. Maybe, just maybe, if Level-5 thought about not giving up on the poor familiars, we could?ve seen Ni no Kuni become a true ?Pokemon-like? for the PlayStation platform. However, the beauty of the Ni no Kuni famil...

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