Should Titanfall 2 Go Free to Play"

Apex Legends has exploded onto the scene. With its high production values, surprise launch, and big studio backing, Respawn has taken over battle royale genre. All of this leads to one inevitable question: Should Titanfall 2 go free-to-play"
Perhaps I should explain. Respawn Entertainment developed the wildly acclaimed and minimally popular Titanfall series. While its popularity never really took hold, especially with Titanfall 2, its influence on the genre is undeniable. Shortly afterward, the Call of Duty series added in some light free-running elements upon the release of Advanced Warfare. Gamers wanted more in their FPS games, and Titanfall offered extras.
Fast forward two years. EA released Titanfall 2 into an incredibly crowded FPS market where it never found its foothold. This was in spite of Titanfall 2?s gaudy Metacritic rating pushing 90 and its bevy of Game-of-the-Year consideration. It was a shame, considering just how good and consumer-friendly the game was, releasing all of its post-launch content free-of-charge. This was an unheard-of practice two years ago, and is essentially extinct now. Now, fans of the game are attempting to capitalize of the popularity of Apex Legends and calling for Titanfall 2 to go free-to-play. This could, in theory, give Titanfall 2 the glory it never received?it?s honorary Oscar, if you will. It?s a compelling idea, but there are also a few problems with it, which I will elucidate in due course. First of all:
It Kinda-Sorta...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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