Sony’s Sending Out Days Gone Theme and Avatar to Players Who’ve Unlocked Platinum Trophy - Videogames Blogs

Sony’s Sending Out Days Gone Theme and Avatar to Players Who’ve Unlocked Platinum Trophy

In line with its tradition, Sony has been sending out a special theme and avatar to players who have unlocked the Platinum trophy in Bend Studio?s Days Gone.
Users across social media have reported receiving two separate emails with each of the items, which you can preview below courtesy of Twitter user MorbidPharaoh (via Reddit):

Platinum theme and avatar for #DaysGone #PS4share
? Chris (@MorbidPharaoh) May 10, 2019

At the moment, it?s unclear how long players have to wait before receiving the content. Reddit users have provided varying time frames, with many of them stating that they received the emails within a week of unlocking the prestigious trophy.
There are also reports of some players only receiving the theme so it seems that both emails are being sent out separately at different times. In addition to this, it looks like only folks based in the United States and Canada have received the items but that?s nothing to worry about. Players outside of North America have received Platinum themes and avatars for games like Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and Marvel?s Spider-Man in the past, so it?s likely that Days Gone?s Platinum prizes will be distributed worldwide eventually. That said, considering Days Gone released two weeks ago, these emails have been relatively quick!
Days Gone received generally positive reviews upon launch. Our very own Chandler Wood praised its gameplay and narrative, noting that the game balanced both well.

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