Sony Now Offers Same-Day Patch Certification for Developers - Videogames Blogs

Sony Now Offers Same-Day Patch Certification for Developers

We may now have a drastically reduced wait-time when it comes to receiving desperately needed patches for game-breaking bugs. Each time a developer submits a patch, they have to wait for Sony to certify it before distribution. This was often the holdup when it came to bug fixes after release. Now, however, Sony offers same-day patch certification, which should speed up releasing patches to the PlayStation wild.
The games that will benefit greatly from same-day patch certification are those that constantly update, such as online MMOs like SMITE.
Will this apply to every patch that comes down the pipeline" Most likely not. We don’t know any other details for this express certification service, such as if there is an additional charge to request same-day certification. However, the fact that Sony will still require some form of testing will not change. They need to ensure that the patch won’t brick consoles, even though that has happened before despite their testing. There is also some speculation that this same-day service will only apply to public test servers (PTS), not general patches. Regardless, same-day patch certification is a huge step for developers to help ensure the quality of their products.
[Sources: Reddit, Twitter]
The post Sony Now Offers Same-Day Patch Certification for Developers appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.


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