Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition Review – Gonna Need More Bolters (PS4)

The Dark Angels are, perhaps, my favorite Chapter of Space Marines in the world of Warhammer 40,000. This Loyalist Chapter is entrenched with?bear with me?a dark history during the Horus Heresy, one that they are still trying to atone for 10,000 years later. Typically when the Dark Angels enter the scene, it’s for one of two purposes, if not both:
to purge xenos and/or heretics at the order of the Emperor; or
to cover up their sins from the past.
Space Hulk: Deathwing delightfully takes on both purposes for this particular story. I nearly squealed with glee when I learned that this tale of the Dark Angels was going to be a first-person shooter instead of the typical real-time strategy treatment this franchise receives. I was even more excited to learn that it would hop from PC to console. However, it’s a good thing that the lore explored within is somewhat sound, because the gameplay doesn’t appear to have made as sound of a jump from the Warp. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
The 1st Company of the Dark Angels (the Deathwing) found a Space Hulk drifting in the Immaterium, which could hold a treasure trove of history and technology if recovered. This particular Space Hulk includes the lost Dark Angels ship, Caliban’s Will, lost thousands of years ago. As an Epistolary Librarian for the Company, it is the player’s job to lead a team of two other battle brothers to find out what happened to this ship and recover all Dark Angel relic...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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