Speculating on What Watch Dogs 3 Could Be and What We Want From Another Installment - Videogames Blogs

Speculating on What Watch Dogs 3 Could Be and What We Want From Another Installment

Earlier in February 2019, we reported on the possibility of the newest Watch Dogs game taking place in London and being released in 2019. Currently, this hasn?t been officially confirmed by anyone at Ubisoft, but some reputable sources have alluded to the fact that those reports are true. Most notably, Jason Schreier of Kotaku remarked on it.

Given that we might be seeing Watch Dogs 3 this year, it does generate a discussion of what we?d like to see from the upcoming installment. With it supposedly taking place in London, there are some really cool things the newest game could explore. One feature that Watch Dogs 3 is supposed to have is the ability to choose the gender of the character you play as, which has become common with recent Ubisoft games. What Should Be in Watch Dogs 3"
With that idea in mind, it would be awesome if Watch Dogs 3 had two noticeably different campaigns between the two genders. That might be asking a lot, but even something similar to the way Resident Evil 2 handled things, in which Claire and Leon?s campaigns were similar, but different enough to warrant two separate playthroughs could work well.
Watch Dogs 2 did a great job of adding humor and a bit more of a lighthearted feeling, so seeing that explored even further in Watch Dogs 3 would be ideal. Especially with it taking place in London, there is a major opportunity for some British humor that could feel refreshing after the first two entries.

Should the Gameplay Change"
It would al...
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