Square Enix Announces Plans for Anime Expo 2018 - Videogames Blogs

Square Enix Announces Plans for Anime Expo 2018

E3 has hardly passed us by, but it’s already time for more video game goodness to inhabit the LA Convention Center. This time it’s Anime Expo, where all kinds of Japanese companies come to show off cool stuff. Anime is the focus obviously, but there’s also plenty of room for gaming. The Square Enix Anime Expo showing has been announced, which features several playable games, autograph signings, and other events throughout the convention.
In terms of playable games, it’s largely what you’d expect. Kingdom Hearts III and Dragon Quest XI are the stars of the show. However, fans will also be able to demo the Final Fantasy trading card game, and the already-released Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition will also be there. Finally, a playable demo of the mobile game Star Ocean: Anamnesis will make an appearance, just before the game’s scheduled release. Perhaps more exciting than the playable demos of soon to be released games are the autograph sessions, featuring a couple of gaming legends. Dragon Quest creator himself, Yuji Horii, will be at Anime Expo, signing exclusive signature cards and posing for pictures on three separate occasions throughout the event. Illustrator Akira Yasuda, also known as “akiman,” will also be signing autographs, and attending fans will have a chance to win a Star Ocean illustration.
Along with the demos and signings, Square Enix will also be holding a Final Fantasy trading card game tournament, ...
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