Square Enix Shows Off The Quiet Man Gameplay During Livestream - Videogames Blogs

Square Enix Shows Off The Quiet Man Gameplay During Livestream

One of the most mysterious games of E3 was Square Enix’s The Quiet Man. Things have been pretty quiet for the most part, but this morning, Square Enix hosted a livestream to show more about the game. Hosted by Kenji Fujinaga, Yohei Murakami, and RIZE bassist KenKen, the event started with a more context-heavy slice of what was originally shown at E3 2018. This included not only a deeper look at the game’s story, which appears to lean on live action footage for its cinematics, but also an in-depth look at some live gameplay action.
In the footage shown during the stream, which is actually played live by KenKen, the game starts with live action footage introducing the character. He picks up a “sandwich,” which appear to be marching orders of some sort, along with a map. He meets some shady types in an alley, and we see more of the E3 footage play out, in greater detail. Our hero shows that he cannot hear, then the game smoothly transitions from live action to game engine, and the combat begins. The combat looks a lot like it’s inspired by classic brawlers, but in the 3D space. It’s almost like a really dour and serious God Hand, albeit with a more aloof camera. There’s no HUD (which may or may not reflect on the final game), and the sound is very warped and largely comprises muted impact sounds. The hero is able to dispatch the enemies with a series of brutal punches and kicks, and there’s a bit of a flourish when the final b...
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