Star Wars Battlefront II Is ‘Now Complete,’ Final Content Update Battle for Scarif Out Today - Videogames Blogs

Star Wars Battlefront II Is ‘Now Complete,’ Final Content Update Battle for Scarif Out Today

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Keep this in mind as EA and Dice announced in a blog post yesterday that today?s The Battle On Scarif update is the 25th and final free content update for Star Wars Battlefront II. ?For more than two years, the team has deployed 25 free content updates that have shaped and expanded Star Wars Battlefront II into something truly special for Star Wars fans. We?ve introduced game-changing heroes, fan-favorite reinforcements, exotic planets, and epic new ways to play across all three cinematic eras,? said the community post. Today?s Battle on Scarif update is a return to the Rogue One setting, with a previous content update having used the tropical map in the past.
The update is meant as a transition into a lack of updates and whatever the future may hold?aka, the slow wait until servers eventually go dark and/or a follow-up comes out, especially as this console generation starts to sunset.  The post continued, saying ?Looking beyond April, we?re transitioning to a phase where the servers, in-game challenges, recurring events such as Double XP and more, and game support will carry this broad and rich Star Wars gaming experience into the future. This means that we?re moving away from delivering regular content updates. As the game lives on with the players and our community, we?re looking forward to hearing your stories for years to come.?


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