Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition Review – Sunken in Madness (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition Review – Sunken in Madness (PS4)

The boat was running out of fuel. We were stranded, far away from the safety of our home. But the goal was more important; we needed to know everything we could about these lands. A sudden crawling sound stopped the eerie calm of the sea (or “zee,” as the locals call it). When we turned out the lights, revealing our presence in the process, islands infested by spiders were introduced upon our eyes. We used what was left in our tank fuel to escape from that place, but the sacrifice was high. In order to create fuel, we had to use our few remaining resources. And when starvation arose, some crew members started to disappear. No one spoke about this ever again. But the “zee” remembers.
One can become anything in Sunless Sea, but that decision will forever remain throughout the vast and mysterious “zee.” My first character was a poet who went out to explore with only one goal in mind: to collect as many stories as possible. This ambition gave purpose to his personal story, but one quickly finds out there’s a lot more going on in every ship, island, and civilization we meet in our travels.
Everything Counts, Be Prepared
Sunless Sea has many systems within, and it can be overwhelming at first if you’re unfamiliar with Failbetter Games’ past work. It’s part a text-based adventure with management systems for your inventory, crew, and your ship’s equipment. But then, you have direct control over the vehicle, using a...

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