Super Stardust Ultra VR Review – Stargazing Into Oblivion (PSVR) - Videogames Blogs

Super Stardust Ultra VR Review – Stargazing Into Oblivion (PSVR)

Back in my early days of PlayStation 3 ownership, I found myself shamelessly addicted to Super Stardust HD. So when Super Stardust Ultra made its way to the PlayStation 4, I did my best to avoid its evil, time-consuming siren?s call. Unfortunately, a man only has so much willpower, and I once again found the enhanced edition creeping its way into my gaming life. Naturally, just as I put the addiction to bed, it was announced that a new version was coming to the PlayStation VR. Whelp, there goes that willpower again…
Get Your Head in the Game
I am just going to be blunt and lead off by saying that Super Stardust Ultra VR is very much a game that doesn?t need to exist. That said, I am extremely glad that it does exist. It adds a level of immersion to the game that wouldn?t have otherwise been possible using a standard HDTV. Part of the reason why I say that Stardust VR doesn?t need to exist is because it adds fairly little to the overall experience, aside from that whole drowning out the world around you and consuming all of your free time, thing. Pretty much everything that Stardust Ultra brought to the table, the VR edition does ever-so-slightly better. When playing on an HDTV, the camera is zoomed out, in order to see more of the surface area of a given planet. This provides the player with a hard limit as to what they can see at any given moment. In VR, those limits are less of a factor. The camera is drawn in closer to the ship, but now the tilt of your head can b...

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