Tales of Vesperia Remaster Website Uncovered Ahead of E3 2018 - Videogames Blogs

Tales of Vesperia Remaster Website Uncovered Ahead of E3 2018

Tales of Vesperia, an oft-forgotten cult classic from the Tales series may finally be making its way onto PlayStation consoles in the West. With E3 2018 right round the corner, it’s always difficult to differentiate between real and really fake, but this appears to hold some weight thanks to a semi-hidden web page.
The news comes courtesy of Gamatsu, who uncovered the password-protected website (http://tov10th.tales-ch.jp/ and, no, the password isn’t Tales1234, I checked) which seems to indicate a 10th anniversary remaster is heading to PS4.
Tales of Vesperia, released in 2008, infamously never made it to the West on PS3, despite the game being the definitive edition of the title. Not only did the PlayStation version boast new bosses, dungeons, and a party member, it also included full voice acting for the very first time in the series. But, unless you were fluent in Japanese, there’s a good chance you didn’t experience it first time round. So those who were craving for a localization might finally be satisfied, with North America’s only fleeting glimpse of the series coming in the form of an anime movie way back in 2011.
It may be all a little too convenient with E3 2018 on the horizon, but Gamatsu’s sources also reveal it is “in production” and we’ve heard nary a peep about the Tales series in the West for nearly 18 months with the release of Tales of Berseria. The stars have aligned and, if you believe in fate, T...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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