That Dark Souls Trilogy Box Set Isn’t Coming West - Videogames Blogs

That Dark Souls Trilogy Box Set Isn’t Coming West

Sorry North American gamers. That big Dark Souls trilogy box set that was announced earlier today isn’t coming to the West. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to get your hands on Dark Souls Remastered, but the collectors out there will either need to import or learn to live without.
The clarification was reported by Game Informer, who said that Bandai Namco has confirmed there are currently no plans to release the Dark Souls trilogy box set “in the Americas.”
If you live in Japan, the set will include all three Dark Souls games, all DLC, the soundtracks for every game, bookends, 10 art prints and a frame, and three physical encyclopedias with the descriptions of every item in the series. In Japan, the trilogy box set will run you 49,800 yen. Check out our original Dark Souls review from 2011, when it first released on the PS3:
Dark Souls is a worthy successor to the legacy left by Demon?s Souls. Not only has From Software given fans what they wanted, such as more weapons and spells, but they have also added a new faction system that goes above and beyond the scope of Demon?s Souls. As a single player game, Dark Souls presents a tight and polished experience with the player constantly chasing that new piece of loot, or that next soul level, or the next boss battle. The enhancement of multiplayer by including the covenant system is a huge boost to the enjoyment of the game. Demon?s Souls? servers may still be going strong two years afte...

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