The Latest Battlefield 1 Update is Out Now, Check Out What’s Changed - Videogames Blogs

The Latest Battlefield 1 Update is Out Now, Check Out What’s Changed

Just in time for the upcoming Easter weekend, Battlefield 1 has a brand new update out today filled with bug fixes and various improvements. Titled the Easter Update (of course), the biggest improvement in it focuses on bloom adjustments, which should dampen some aspects of the game make certain areas seem less bright and overexposed as they play.
Alongside the improved brightness settings in the game, Electronic Arts has also promised more stability on all platforms, improved matchmaking on the Battlefield 1 Apocalypse maps, and also enabled a Mid-Round Team Balancer that will help balance out teams that have a disproportionate amount of players:
Enabled a Mid-Round Team Balancer, following the below criteria:

There are 10 or more players in the server. There must be a mid-round change to the player count in the match.
If the team sizes differ by at least 3 players, an imbalance will be indicated and after 30 seconds the teams will be rebalanced.
Players will be evaluated by the amount of score they have contributed and duration of time they have been on the team ? the higher in both criteria will lessen, or remove, your chances of moving.
If a player is moved by the Mid-Round Team Balancer, they will not be moved a second time.
Players in parties will not be moved.
Players in squads are less likely to be moved.
The Mid-Round Team Balancer will wait until a player has lost their life before switching teams; if a player is already in the deploy screen when the balancing o...

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