The Latest Trailer for Extinction Reveals More About the Story - Videogames Blogs

The Latest Trailer for Extinction Reveals More About the Story

A new trailer has been released for Iron Galaxy’s Extinction, and it?s purely dedicated to the story of the game. The new trailer features some hints of gameplay, but is mainly focused on the overarching story of Humans vs Titans and how the world is shaping up to be shown off.
You can check out the full story trailer below, which ends with some brief snippets of gameplay.

Here’s some more about the features found within Extinction:
Skill-Based Combat
Known for their work on fighting games, Iron Galaxy has applied their expertise to the action-adventure genre. Avil has a wide variety of skills and attacks he can execute on the horde of minions trailing in the wake of each Ravenii. Players can cancel into almost any attack they want at any time, switching seamlessly between single strikes, sweeping area of effect (AOE) attacks, knocking enemies into the sky for an aerial combo, and more. Defending Dolorum
Avil?s key to permanently eliminating the Ravenii is the Rune Strike. This wicked attack can be used to dismember the massive ogres, and can be further powered up by saving people, killing Jackals, destroying Ravenii armor, dismembering the Ravenii themselves, and accomplishing objectives within each mission. One fell swoop is all Avil needs to stop a Ravenii, but these giant beasts won?t make it easy.
Gameplay and Strategy
All of the options Avil has when traveling through the city, he can also use on Ravenii, such as running vertically up a surface or usi...

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