The PlayStation Classics: Darkstalkers 3 - Videogames Blogs

The PlayStation Classics: Darkstalkers 3

Back in 1994, Capcom put together a unique fighting game. Instead of the sorts of buff karate masters or weapon-wielders we tend to expect in these sorts of games, monsters ruled over everything. You like zombies" We?ve got a zombie. Think vampires are cool" Well, one of them is here too. How about some ghosts" Sure! Don?t forget about Red Riding Hood with uzis. Darkstalkers had it all. While Yoshinori Ono has wanted the series to come back, that hasn?t happened yet. Fortunately, PlayStation Classics give us a chance to go back with Darkstalkers 3.

A New Kingdom is Born, All are Welcome Here
Like the original Darkstalkers, Darkstalkers 3 has a rather unconventional and otherworldly premise. A lord from the demon world, Jedah, has been revived. However, he doesn?t like what he sees, now that it is back. So, he decides to make a new world. That means taking the people he considers worthy to Majigen, his dimension, so they can help populate his world. This means tons of people are back. That means 22 characters total. Some are entirely new, like the boss Jedah and Baby Bonnie Hood, Lilith, and Q-Bee. Others only appeared in the console versions, like Bishamon, Donovan, Huitzil, Marionette, and Pyron. But one thing is certain: all of them are monsters.

Cry! Scream! Beg! Agonize! Suffer! Weep! Die!
As mentioned earlier, all of the monstrous inclusions make Darkstalkers stand out. There are creatures that would be considered evil at worst and misunderstood at b...

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