The Witcher Netflix On-Set Photos Leaked Showing Yennefer Fighting a Mage - Videogames Blogs

The Witcher Netflix On-Set Photos Leaked Showing Yennefer Fighting a Mage

The Witcher Netflix TV series was announced back in 2017, and in that time we?ve seem Henry Cavill cast to play Geralt, as well as Yennefer and Ciri get actors of their own, but precious little else. Well it seems some solid proof of this thing actually being made has leaked, and we have the photos available to view now.
Two new photos have surfaced, seemingly from someone on-set. Filming is supposedly taking place in Eastern Europe, though it is hard to determine where exactly the two photos were taken. The first shows Yennefer and an unidentified mage in the middle of a fight, with an unconscious (or worse) woman sprawled out between them:

There is unfortunately no context for this, nor the other photo, which is a shot of the cast and crew, either in between takes or while they are not needed for a current scene. There?s a gorgeous view behind them, and you can clearly see some the group of people on the right are in costume:
Some posters on Reddit threads about some of the photos claim that the men in the second photo are the same character, the reason being that one is a stuntman. It makes sense that a television series based on The Witcher series of novels has plenty of action scenes, since the novels have plenty of action to begin with. The rest of the leaked photos are of the typical movie shoot variety, showing a lot of crew with equipment, and countless vans. You can take a look in the gallery below.


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