Third Editions Gaming History Books Kickstarter Hits 85%, Stretch Goals Announced - Videogames Blogs

Third Editions Gaming History Books Kickstarter Hits 85%, Stretch Goals Announced

Third Editions, French publisher of high-quality gaming history books, announced the stretch goals for their second English translation Kickstarter yesterday as they crossed 85% funded. The second Kickstarter looks to fund English translations of Dark Souls: Beyond the Grave ? Volume 2: Bloodborne and Dark Souls III, Zelda: The History of a Legendary Saga ? Volume 2: Breath of the Wild, and The Legend of Final Fantasy VIII.
Each of the stretch goals below are listed in Euros, however Kickstarter will adjust the currency exchange rate for your region. A couple of the stretch goals will only be of interest if you decide to get the Collector’s Edition books, but if the campaign manages to hit 100K ?, Third Editions will add a fourth book to the campaign. They’ve got an incredible library to choose from, so any additional translation is a huge win for English speaking readers. Hi guys!
We hope you are doing well! We?ve now reached 85% of the goal, so it?s time to give you a glimpse of the first stretch goals we have planned:
65K ?: Ebooks for free for each book pledged!

70K ?: Dust jacket included in each collector?s edition only!

75K ?: Lithography included in each collector?s edition only!

80K ?: A bookmark included in every book!

90K ?: Third Editions’ newspaper (the story of our company) offered for any pledge of one book or more!
…drum roll…
100K ?: NEW BOOK! (there’s no point in being too mysterious about it ;))
So… brace yo...

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