Third Editions Kickstarter Reaches 100% Funded, NieR: Automata Book Added as Stretch Goal - Videogames Blogs

Third Editions Kickstarter Reaches 100% Funded, NieR: Automata Book Added as Stretch Goal

The second Kickstarter for English translations of three more Third Editions specialist gaming history books reached its goal this morning. With 20 days left to hit a number of additional stretch goals, the campaign crossed the $74,000 threshold thanks to the support of more than 1000 backers who are eager to see this project succeed. Reaching that goal means that the three French-language books covering The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Bloodborne / Dark Souls III, and Final Fantasy VIII will be translated into English, but the campaign isn’t over yet.
Third Editions announced their stretch goals, with one being an additional book. Now that the goal has been reached, that book has been revealed to be The Work of Taro Yoko: From Drakengard to NieR: Automata. With the massive success of NieR: Automata—selling more than 2.5 million copies and earning top spot as our game of the year for 2017–it makes sense to bring that book to an English-speaking audience quickly using the success of this Kickstarter campaign. All the campaign needs to do is reach $123,000 funded before it concludes in the next 20 days, so if you have yet to pitch in, now is the time to do it. The Work of Taro Yoko: From Drakengard to NieR: Automata features a forward written by the director himself and will be printed in both standard and collector edition covers (pictured above). If the campaign ends up surpassing that goal and reaches $172,000, a fifth book will be added in add...

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