Titan Quest Review – Old School Slashing (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Titan Quest Review – Old School Slashing (PS4)

After getting a second expansion for the Anniversary Edition over ten years after the original PC game released, it isn?t much of a surprise that, under the publishing of THQ Nordic, Titan Quest is finally making its way to home consoles. The long and arduous gap between Diablo II and Diablo III may have been a blessing in disguise for the game?s early success a decade ago, but the remastered version must now stake its claim among a vast sea of modern titles and a gaming industry that has evolved by many magnitudes.
Clash of the Titans
Titan Quest is set against the backdrop of a tried and true formula when it comes to Greek tales. One of the game?s designers, Ben Schneider, explained that the simple setup of a new generation toppling the old guard was enough to keep the story going. While this may sound like a retreading of all the Greek myths you?ve ever heard, the recounting of these stories in the game?s many towns and settlements makes the world feel lived-in and authentic. These dialogue passages from NPCs are completely optional, but they contain the only interesting narrative moments in an adventure that lasts a few dozen hours or so. The rest concerns your everyday hero and an over-the-top plot about Titans and a bunch of other Greek figures that you?ve probably met in the God of War games. You?ll visit a few different continents as you fight your way through a horde of mythical monsters, although these locales all look too similar, and this is the underlying pro...
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