Toby Fox Unsure if Deltarune Will Make It to Consoles - Videogames Blogs

Toby Fox Unsure if Deltarune Will Make It to Consoles

After a series of cryptic messages on the official Undertale Twitter account, Toby Fox dropped a Halloween surprise with Deltarune. While there are plenty of questions surrounding Deltarune, one of the biggest be if there will be a console port. Sadly, console players may not want to hold their breath, as it doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.
In an FAQ posted on November 2, 2018 (but written up on October 4th), Fox went into detail about Deltarune’s development. More specifically, development of the first chapter of Deltarune. Players quickly found out this is but the beginning of a larger story. In it, Fox noted it took him “a few years” to make this first chapter of Deltarune. As Fox made it essentially by himself, he discussed how daunting the project really is. Noting its technical complexities compared to Undertale, Fox talked about his intention to “make a team” in order to see Deltarune come to fruition. Related to that, it appears Fox is waiting until all the chapters of Deltarune are completed before porting it. He noted his plan to “release all the chapters at once after we complete them.” Finishing Deltarune’s story is the top priority for Fox, and because of that, porting it just isn’t a concern at the moment. He flat-out said, “I don’t know anything about what consoles,” which may dash the hopes of many. Jokingly, he said, “By the time it comes out we ...

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