Ubisoft Walks Back For Honor Content Removal - Videogames Blogs

Ubisoft Walks Back For Honor Content Removal

Yesterday, Ubisoft unwittingly dropped a huge bomb on the For Honor community, in the midst of announcing a big summer sale. For two weeks, all kinds of items will be up to 50% off, which sounds great. But the problem came from why the sale was on. Ubisoft originally planned to remove a huge chunk of said content from the store after the sale ended, with the intent to clean up the store. The community revolted, and today, Ubisoft announced it is walking back the For Honor content removal plans.
In a Reddit post, Ubisoft’s Eric Pope announced that while the summer sale is still on, Ubisoft would no longer be removing content from the store as planned. Despite chalking the whole thing up to botched messaging, Pope offered further explanation for what the goal here was. As more and more content has been added to For Honor, the store has grown over cluttered, which has been deemed messy and intimidating to new players. Only content at least nine months old would be removed, and it would all be put into a weekly rotation. The weekly available older content would also be offered at a permanent discount, in an attempt to alleviate the restricted access. One of the biggest problems fans had with the rotation was executions, which of course have an impact to some degree on gameplay.
For now, it’s back to the drawing board for the For Honor team.

URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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