Unlike Anthem, Mass Effect: Andromeda Wasn’t Built to Support Post-Launch DLC - Videogames Blogs

Unlike Anthem, Mass Effect: Andromeda Wasn’t Built to Support Post-Launch DLC

As a result of poor critical reception and middling sales, Mass Effect: Andromeda never received single-player DLC. Interestingly, according to Anthem Lead Producer Mike Gamble, there wasn’t a foundation in place to support DLC. The same fate won’t befall Anthem post-launch.
During an interview with USgamer at PAX West 2018, Executive Producer Mike Darrah referred to Anthem’s day one content as “the starting line of an experience.” Following this analogy, then, the finish line won’t soon appear. Anthem’s being a live-service title means BioWare can gradually release additional content over time.
Lead Producer on Anthem, Mike Gamble, said,
We don’t have to wait for full expansions anymore like our previous games, let alone other games in the [live-service] space. If you look at Dragon Age or Mass Effect you’d have to wait three, four, five, six months sometimes between big updates. We don’t have to abide by that anymore. We can actually, week-over-week, trickle out content. Anthem affords BioWare the opportunity to deliver a constant stream of post-launch DLC. Because of this, Anthem’s post-launch plans were essentially baked into the development process. A similar foundation wasn’t established for Mass Effect: Andromeda. Gamble explained,
I can speak conclusively when it comes to Andromeda, the [post-launch] plans were never in place the way that they are for Anthem. The systems and tools weren’...
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